Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ben's birthday!

birthday boy and a .hersheys black magic cake with ganache icing

i think this chocolate cake recipe is the best ive ever tasted and the worst ive ever made!  as i cant find baking soda in italy, i substituted baking powder in the hopes it would work. some internet twit said it bicarb was 4 times as strong as baking powder. so tamarin adds 4 times the amount of baking powder to the mix and i think the mixture was bubbling. i know it would explode so i put in on a baking tray. it overflowed and filled the entire tray! sunk in the middle and was a bit soggy. but i slathered chocolate ganache all over it and wow ganache really works wonders :)

i also made strawberry truffles and biscuits which arent worth putting up photos of. do you know that you can only buy icing sugar in 125gr packs?! i mean really!

the birthday boy looking smart in his new tie!

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