the best way to eat popcorn is coating it in caramel!
i make up the amounts of ingredients everytime accoring to how much popcorn i have to cover.
for about a 5litre ice cream tub of popcorn i usually use:
70-100gr margarine/butter
1-1.5 cups normal sugar (castor sugar speeds up the time)
2 tablespoons syrup
maybe a few splashes of milk
stir until its combined and simmer until all sugar has meltd
then bring to the boil and boil until it reaches the stage where when a small amount is dropped into cold water, it produces a sort of hard, not sticky thing, which can be rolled into a ball. eat it and if it sticks horribly to your teeth, let it boil for longer.
take off heat and stir into popcorn
i know its tempting but wait until the caramel is cold otherwise you will burn your mouth!